Tuesday, February 21, 2012

There's a New Store in Town

Now I realize a new grocery in town might not be something to write home about, but when you love to cook and love to save money, it's a pretty big deal.  An Aldi store recently opened in a nearby town and I stopped by today to pick up a few things.

If you've never shopped at Aldi before, you will notice it's a little different from your usual grocery store.  You have to pay a quarter to use a shopping cart.  But, when you return your cart to the area at the front of the store, you get your quarter back.  No loose shopping carts rolling around in the parking lot bumping into your car!  Nice.  The store itself is not large. Things are neatly displayed on shelves, with prices clearly marked overhead.  Every so often you'll see a national brand, but most everything there is a store brand.  Make sure to bring your own shopping bags, or purchase paper, plastic or reusable bags there.  As the cashier rings your purchases up, she will place them in a shopping cart.  After you pay for your purchases, you push your cart over to the bagging area and put your purchases in your own bags - so no more complaining about the baggers who don't know how to put groceries in your bags the right way.

On my first visit there last week, Carla was my cashier.  She was very friendly and after she rang up my purchases, she took a few minutes to explain a little about how Aldi works.  She has been an employee of the company for 5 years.  She pointed out the money back guarantee on their products - if you aren't satisfied, return the product and they will refund the purchase price.  And she also said you can cut your grocery bill in half!

Since I really planned on just getting milk and broccoli, I decided not to spend a quarter for a cart.  By the time I made it around to the produce sections and saw the "deals", I realized I should have spent that quarter.  Just as I had everything precariously balanced in my arms, I saw that milk was $1.99 and remembered we were getting low.  As I very carefully and slowly opened the cooler, and then started to bend down to get the milk, I realized another shopper was watching me.  She asked if I needed help.  I told her thank you, but I thought I had it under control.  She turned to her daughter and said, "She looks like Rachel Ray gathering food in her kitchen".  If only I could throw a meal together in 30 minutes like her . . . and get paid for it!!

Today my purchases totaled $13.91!  Here's what I got -
8 oz pack of baby bella mushrooms.....  .79
sliced bacon...................................... 2.99
1 pack of 3 romaine hearts..................  .99
8 roma tomatoes................................  .79
6 pk individual applesauce cups........... 1.29
avocado............................................   .89
cucumber.........................................   .59
9 oz spinach...................................... 1.69
16 oz broccoli crowns........................ 1.39
1 gallon skim milk.............................. 1.99
1 reusable plastic grocery bag..............  .10

I'll definitely be shopping at Aldi from time to time if they continue to have prices like this.  Now I've got to get in the kitchen and use some of my purchases to get supper ready.

1 comment:

  1. We love ALDI! There isn't one where we live, but we always bring a cooler when we go to Dallas to stock up on essential and take advantage of that cheap milk. They have awesome prices.

    I'm stopping by via the blog hop. It's so nice to meet you! I'm a new follower.

    Lots of love,

